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Typing your commands in chat panel by press "T" in-game.

​Basic commands:

  1. /sethome - Set your current location as your home, can teleport by /home command. Only can set home inside your claim land

  2. /delhome - Delete your home location. 

  3. /home - Teleport yourself to your home location.

  4. /bed - Teleport yourself to your last bed posotion.

  5. /lobby - Teleport yourself to server lobby.

  6. /safe - Teleport yourself to server safe place.

  7. /fort -  Teleport yourself to server fort place.

  8. /gimme - Recieve a random gift

  9. /loctrack - Tracking nearby player in 24h

  10. /day7 - Show Server Fps, Zombies spawned, Blood moon day, ....

  11. /commands - Listed available server commands.

  12. /waypoint add {name}, /waypoint del {name}, /waypoint {name} - Manager teleport waypoint 

Daily quest command:​

  1. /dailyquest - Recieve 5 Daily quest per day

Donor commands:​

  1. /donor - Teleport to unique donator zone

  2. /sethome2, /delhome2, /home2 - Manager home 2 waypoint

  3. /friend {friend name} - Teleport to you friend

Shop commands: (Comming soon)​

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